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This item is in stock or order under the name vitamins Omega 3 or CALL US TO ORDER THIS ITEM 909 679-7175

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Puede ordenar este producto bajo el nombre de Vitamin Omega 3  a qui mismo oh LLamar  al 909 679-7175 para ordenar.


  • Auxiliary to relieve sports injuries. 
  • Improves mobility and normal joint function.
  • Reinforced with Nettle and Omega 3
  • Auxiliary for rheumatic pains.

Suggested use:

Take 2 tablets 3 times a day with food.

Warning: Do not take during pregnancy, lactation or if your under 18 years old. 

Ingredients: Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Collagen, Vitamin C, Turmeric, Nettle, Omega 3 and  MSM

It is the responsibility of whoever consumes or recommends it.       Results may vary. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Artri King,Original (100 tabs.) CALL US TO ORDER THIS ITEM 909-679-7175

  • We are not out of stock


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    909 994 3220

    Si temenos Artri king

    Pero no Podemos cobrarlo en el website

    Para comprar este product por favor llamar,

    Text  tel 909 994 3220, Tambien por medio de Correo electronico

     Pudes Pagar por medio de  Master Card Visa

    ATM, Venmo , Zelle

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